K HUB makes use of the highest number of international partners among the factories accredited by the Puglia Region. The NSPARC Research Center of Mississippi State University, the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Bernburg, the Londoner TechItalia Lab collaborate with us.
The training courses dedicated to the participating teams are totally customized with respect to the specific needs of each of them and oriented to the launch of innovative ideas and activities, for the identification of a path towards a sustainable business, drastically reducing time and costs and, consequently, the possibility of failure.
Thanks to the expertise of the LUM Jean Monnet University and the participating partners, all the activities offered and the training courses are based on maximum excellence.
K – HUB and LUM Jean Monnet University
The K-HUB is the business accelerator of the LUM Jean Monnet University which operates in the field of digital, creative and inclusive communities, accredited to the measure of the Puglia Region “Talent Extraction”.

The K-HUB is aimed at those who want to get involved, to transform themselves and to transform their own idea into business, who want to put their energies at the disposal of the digital, cultural and creative sector, stimulating social innovation.
Our experts assist the teams in drafting the application for participation in the Talent Extraction program, whose positive evaluation by the ARTI is necessary to obtain the regional voucher of € 24,000.00 which allows free participation in the K HUB.
Analysis of each of the participating teams aimed at identifying its main needs and designing an accompanying path oriented towards their satisfaction.
Development of a differentiated accompaniment path for each of the participating teams aimed at achieving milestones, organized in 300 hours to be completed in a maximum of 6 months (40 hours of common sessions and 260 hours dedicated to the individual team through tutorship and mentorship services).
At the end of the personalized accompaniment path, our experts will accompany each team in the financing phase of their business idea, both through the partners of the K HUB and through public measures and private funds.
The K-HUB was born from the collaboration of 12 national and international partners.
LUM Jean Monnet
HS Anhalt
TechItalia Lab
Puglia Startup
Key Capital

News & Events
To stay up to date on our activities and on news and events in the world of innovation.
Webinar “Startups, between investments and innovation”
Domani giovedì 1 aprile il Legal Coordinator di K HUB Joris Gadaleta, in qualità di Legal Manager di Energy by OSCAR S.r.l., parteciperà al webinar “Startups, between investments and innovation”.[…]
Read moreContinua a crescere l’ecosistema dell’innovazione in Italia
In Italia continua a crescere l’ecosistema dell’innovazione e delle start up. Nonostante le difficoltà cui l’economia mondiale – e inevitabilmente nazionale – è andata incontro negli ultimi mesi a causa[…]
Read moreIl prof. Garzoni a Mattino Norba: “Il K HUB guarda oltre i confini”
Lo scorso 26 maggio il prof. Antonello Garzoni, Preside della Facoltà di Economia dell’Università LUM Jean Monnet e nostro direttore scientifico, è intervenuto nella trasmissione Mattino Norba per parlare del[…]
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